Sunday, May 11, 2014


Greetings farm fans!
It has been some time now since the last entry to this blog. Over the past months snow-covered ground has given way to lush grass and spring time weeds. As you all know, the house project of last summer is complete. The Spencer women are breaking in new traditions and ultimately forging a new way of life at Belle Lea Acres. Instead of an old mobile home, or a well-worn Air-stream, our home provides a rather comfortable abode complete with heat, air, running water, and plenty of sleeping room for visitors. As Spring inevitably leads to Summer, we're looking forward to new adventures with gardens, grass, wildlife, and guests.

Linda, Erica, and I mowed the lawn this week, planted much of the garden, and prepped for the summer season (which means hanging a hammock and airing out the screened in porch). We also installed some greenery around the house as well. It's been a productive week and we hope you enjoy the pictures below. More to come soon!

Our same garden plot from last year before we planted a single seed

This part of the garden is food for visiting children: Broccoli and Brusselsprouts, 

A rain shower approaches just after we sow a few rows

Our little secret: What you see are rabbit food pellets, what we call slow-release soil nutrients

Waiting on you!

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