Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A Winter Walkabout

Erica and I took a long walk a few days ago. A thick snow has fallen over West Virginia, though the forecasted warm temperatures at the end of this week threatens to melt the accumulation. Anyway, there are a lot of picture included below. Some from on high, some from down low; some on the property and some off. Though snow complicates long distance travelers (especially those from the Deep South, myself included) it is incredible what one can see standing at some of the higher points of the property. With no leaves on the trees and with snow on the ground, pay special attention to the definition of each ridge. We saw eleven deer but didn't get any pictures, maybe next time. Quite special.
This picture, and the few following, are from the purview of Ron's hunting spot. The whitest spot below is the holler.

Still at Ron's spot looking North


There are four springs that run down into the holler. It's nice to know that mountain spring water does not always come in a plastic bottle.


For those with facial hair, or looking to grow some, beware of condensation.

This shows the creek (or crick) from the low-water bridge. 

Friar's Hill Road

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