Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dig Deep!

Today, bright and early (or should I say rainy and early) , the construction crew arrived to begin on the septic tank and foundation work. Linda was so flustered by their unexpected arrival that she ran through the electrical fence gate while moving her vehicle. Not to worry, she didn't hurt her vehicle but it was a "shock" to her that she had done it! The construction crew started by marking the four corners of the house with boards and the big machinery began to scoop away the dirt. They hit a few large rocks that were impenetrable but for the most part they were able to dig out what will be the crawl space. We will have to wait and see how they remove the remaining large rocks (they look big and deep). After lunch they worked on excavating the hole where the septic tank will be buried. Standing next to it makes you think of a mass grave, that's how wide and deep down they had to go. Good thing mom and I get along so well, most days! All in all I think this is a wonderful start to Linda's beautiful dream home.

This is just one of the few large rocks that will need to be removed.

The mass grave site. . . I mean septic tank hole.

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