Friday, July 19, 2013

Celebrating the 4th of July in West Virginia

I tell you, Linda and the rest of these West Virginians really know how to celebrate. With many occasions up here, it's become evident to me that the best way to celebrate is by parade. This isn't only to showcase cars, tractors, or parade floats but it is a great opportunity for people to get together. I think that it is a misconception about these rural parts that people are isolated, but events like these show the true connections that people keep and nurture throughout their lives. For those of you who attend church regularly, you probably notice that most attendees like to sit in the same pew year after year. In West Virginia, your parade stance is the same way. Wherever you see someone watching the parade is where they've been and where they will be. So here are some pictures of Linda celebrating the 4th of July over in Alderson, WV (the town that hosts what's been voted the most popular parade in West Virginia).

Linda and her nephew Eddie

Paul and Linda

Does he look excited? Well they do throw candy out with each car that passes.

Steve and granddaughter

Steven (Linda is his Great Aunt)

By the way, the women in this picture are from the prison in Alderson. They are the women's personal fire department for the prison. And if you didn't already know, this is the place where Martha Stewart did her 'hard time'.

Madge and Linda with big smiles!

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