Friday, July 19, 2013

Have we mentioned the rain?

Much like those of you in the South, we've seen rain almost everyday over the last month. This isn't so bad, but our retractable cloth awning on the Airstream has a seam that has come undone. It leaves us battling against the water in order to keep our path from getting incredibly muddy. In the last few days rain has brought along thunder and lighting including some colorful skies in the middle of it all. 

So, much of our time (while it is raining) has been spent locating buckets and dumping five gallons of water at a time out of our common area. I guess we shouldn't complain though... if it were too dry we would be complaining about not having enough rain! At least we haven't had to water the garden more than twice since we planted, so that's been a real blessing. 

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