Wednesday, May 22, 2013

More Pictures!

Val's husband Eddie came up and brought their friend Kelly with them last month. Below are some pictures of that trip, including Eddie's turkey and their moving of the "Belle Lea Acres" rock down to the front gate:
Eddie proves he's a pro!

It looks like Eddie had quite a successful trip don't you think? I can't wait until he's back to show me how to hunt turkeys (so far all I've seen is a grouse, or a baby turkey... I couldn't tell).

Below are some pictures of "the pulverizer" that I referred to before that drove our fence posts a few feet into the ground for our garden:

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how awesome it would be to get "The Pulverisor" after one of those snakes. This seems to be an appropriate weapon against those hellspawn.
