Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 29th-30th

Weather: Around 80, sunny. Low 50s at night.

The past two days have been filled with all sorts of little chores. Erica and Linda worked very hard on washing the Airstream, which probably hadn't been done in decades. We've trimmed trees, weed-eated some more, and even got a little brush-hogging in. Erica also finished her bath tub herb garden which looks very nice. It looks as if there were at least twenty sunflowers coming up in the garden and the corn is also beginning to peer out of the soil. We've had some flee beetles chewing on the leaves of our eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes but hopefully a little sevin-dust has taken care of that. So I guess we'll keep plugging away at our little projects and hopefully there will be some noticeable improvement on the construction site very soon. Below are some more pictures!

Camping isn't that hard when you've got dessert!

A mouthful of strawberries


  1. Finally a picture of Linda and she's eating!!!

  2. Love seeing you Linda. Erica great job on the planting. I am amazed and can't wait to come.
